The training of Navy reserve officers
About three percent of Navy conscripts are accepted to the Reserve Officer Course. Most of them study at the Naval Academy in Suomenlinna.
Some of the Navy reserve officer students attend the Army Academy.
In order to be accepted to the Reserve Officer Course, a conscript must do so well in the basic training period that he or she is accepted to the Reserve Petty Officer Course. Those who excel in this course and in tests are accepted to the Reserve Officer Course.
The most important selection criteria
for the Reserve Officer Course are
- performance in the Reserve Petty Officer Course practical training, student-led exercises and written examinations
- leadership skills in aptitude tests
- aptitude evaluation by instructors
- physical condition
- personal willingness
The Reserve Officer Course at the naval Academy
The course lasts 14 weeks. It is a compact and demanding training period. Training is given to two branches: the Navy and Coastal Defence Branch.
In the Navy Branch a student receives training in leadership and instructor skills and in tactics. The student also learns the basics of seamanship and of navigating a small vessel.
In the Coastal Defence Branch a student learns how to lead and train troops in the coastal area. The branch gives training in naval surveillance and reconnaissance. As a reconman a student gets experience in the leading and combat of a naval recon squad. As an Officer Candidate in naval surveillance a student gets experience in anti-ship fire control and in leading a naval surveillance squad.
Naval Academy
Suomenlinna Sea Fortress, Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358 299 800 (switch board)
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