Navy 2032 – Unified Naval striking power
Finnish Navy towards the year 2032 The Finnish Navy has good readiness and capability to carry out its tasks against any threats that might present themselves in normal or emergency conditions. Our operating environment is changing and evolving, our operating procedures and the equipment and systems in our use keep developing, so change is necessary and certain.
In 2032, the Navy will be a uniform, generally approved and operational naval organisation. It will carry out any emerging tasks and respond to the operating environment under and on the surface of the sea, in the airspace, and in the cyber and information dimension with its military capabilities.
The capability of the Navy to carry out its tasks is based on the high readiness of capable troops with great firepower and combat-resistant systems, the support of the Army and Air Force and partners, and the flexible and coordinated execution of tasks in all states of readiness and dimensions.
How does the Navy operate?
In normal conditions, the activities and forces of the Navy are tasked with surveilling and safeguarding territorial integrity, maintaining a necessary level of readiness against military threats, building and securing capabilities required for emergency circumstances and carrying out tasks other military national defence tasks.
In emergency conditions, the Navy controls its battle space by using its information supremacy, presence and capabilities to deny the adversary freedom to operate. To control its battle space, the Navy monitors its area of operations, denies the adversary freedom to operate, protects its own operations and strikes the adversary’s targets at the right time, attrites, repels and defeats its firepower.
The capability of the Navy is based on the coordinated use of several different weapons systems. Operational troops are used across the area of operations as required by the threat to wear down the adversary, repel naval attacks and defeat the adversary’s combat power. Local troops complement situation picture and targeting capability in the focus area. They protect the assets, operations and supported troops in the area and wear down the adversary’s power.
Naval defence tasks are executed by means of naval operations. Emphasis is on mobility, speed, flexibility, dispersed use of troops, shared situation picture and centralised, extended and precise weapon effect. Naval operations are executed with the support of the Defence Forces’ shared capabilities, the Army and Air Force and cooperation partners.
The Navy’s command cycle is kept more rapid than that of the adversary using information supremacy, mission tactics, automation, networked systems and standardised, rehearsed operating procedures. The Navy uses its own and the other Services’ weapon and target acquisition systems to enable extended striking power aimed at taking the enemy by surprise. Navy troops use the circumstances in their area of operations to their advantage modifying the terrain features, and protect the operations of friendly troops and maintain their capability. Navy troops carry out their tasks autonomously also in case command communications break up.
Pursuing international cooperation contributes to Finland’s national capabilities and serves to complement situation picture.