The Navy is holding a test and selection event for reservists who have applied to the EU Battlegroup
In November-December 2022, the Finnish Navy conducted a process to recruit reservists for the EU Battlegroup for 2024. The recruitment process has moved forward, and this week, a test and selection event will be organized for reservists invited based on applications at the Coastal Brigade in Upinniemi. The training will be launched in the summer 2023, and the standby period of the battlegroup will last from January through June 2024.
In addition to EOD diver tasks , reservists have been able to apply for tasks of financial coordinator, vehicle mechanic, public information officer, military physician or nurse, among others. All tasks are available for applications by reservists who have completed the Finnish Defence Forces conscript service. At the test and selection event, to be selected for a task, an applicant must pass the Defence Forces medical examinations and the 12- minute running test according to the requirement level of the task involved.
In 2024, the Navy will place an OED diver battlegroup, a national support element and staff officers on standby to be part of the multinational EUBG 24 led by France. The Navy will recruit personnel from the Defence Forces salaried staff and reservists for the battlegroup.
The EU battlegroups are the European Union’s tool for developing its military crisis management rapid response and military capabilities. The purpose of the battlegroups is to strengthen the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy and its means for conducting crisis management. In addition, the battlegroups contribute to the development of the member countries’ military capabilities.
The EU Battlegroups Concept accepted by the member states in 2004 forms a common framework for the operation of the battlegroups. In accordance with the concept, a battlegroup could be deployed to a relatively limited operation according to the battlegroup’s size, for a limited duration, four months maximum. The concept specifies that the battlegroup must be able to be assembled in the operation area within ten days of the decision regarding the operation concerned.