Coastal Fleet participates in the exercise Dynamic Move 2023

Coastal Fleet
Publication date 23.1.2023 15.05
Press release
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Coastal Fleet participates in the international mine countermeasures exercise Dynamic Move 2023 in Belgium from 23 January to 3 February.

Dynamic Move is an annual, mine countermeasures command-post exercise, which is led by NATO Allied Maritime Command. The aim of the exercise is to train naval mine countermeasures tactics, procedures and command. The exercise also supports the interoperability of the participating troops and the commands of the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Groups.

Finnish participants are from the Coastal Fleet’s 4th Mine Countermeasures Squadron. The aim of the Finnish participants is to develop expertise in mine countermeasures planning and command and to maintain the ability to operate in a multinational environment.

-    Our Squadron has participated in the exercise Dynamic Move for several years. This has supported not only our own national defense, but also our ability to operate together with international partners, especially when our vessels have been committed to the NATO Response Force pool, says Commander of the 4th Mine Countermeasures Squadron, Commander Henri Kummala.

Participants of the Dynamic Move 23 are NATO members or from partner countries. In the exercise, the Finnish participants form the lead of a multinational mine countermeasure command.