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Developing interoperability in the CET/FIT phase

Publication date 30.10.2018 10.17 | Published in English on 30.10.2018 at 16.35
Press release
NOCO18-harjoituksessa edettiin osaharjoitusvaiheeseen. Kuva:Bundeswehr.

On Monday 29 October NOCO18, the international exercise led by Finland, entered the CET-FIT phase. Purpose of this phase is finetuning the interoperability of participating forces.

- In the CET-FIT phase we practice sea operations on all levels of naval and coastal warfare. This phase is of the greatest importance to the whole exercise since now we are training in units consisting of troops from different nations. It’s vital to learn each other’s methods in order to secure the smooth transition to the next phase and the beginning of sea operations, says Captain (N) Janne Huusko from Navy Command Finland.

Aluksia merellä NOCO18 -harjoituksessa. Kuva Bundeswehr.

Photo: Bundeswehr.

The phases of NOCO18 include maritime surveillance, protecting sea routes, surface warfare, air defence and mine countermeasure. In practice each phase is planned by the needs of individual units and the timeframes they set.

- Each exercise is monitored and evaluated. Units also evaluate themselves and develop their operation in accordance with their own perception. The evaluation team at the EXCON evaluates the exercise as a whole, tells Captain (N) Huusko.

In a big international exercise there are plenty of parts to coordinate and as a consequence the know-how at home also improves.

- For example, to form a recognised maritime picture and to exchange information between vessels, different nations have different systems. In the exercise we are able to practice combining the information provided by the different systems, explains Captain (N) Huusko.

Aluksia merellä NOCO18 -harjoituksessa. Kuva: Bundeswehr.

Photo: Bundeswehr.

- This particular exercise includes both more units and more capabilities than usual - even such capabilities that we here in Finland don’t have, like torpedoes. We are not able to have an exercise like this with only our own troops, Huusko stresses.

Finland is a very popular exercise partner internationally these days and known as an expert in unique operational environment.

- We have much experience in operating on the coastline and in the archipelago. This is something we can share with our partners.
