Freezing Winds 23 ends – Cooperation of Allies intensifies in the Baltic Sea

Publication date 29.11.2023 13.26
Press release
Freezing Winds 23-harjoituksen aluksia revontulien alla.
Freezing Winds 23-harjoituksen aluksia revontulien alla.

Exercise Freezing Winds 23 led by the Finnish Navy will come to an end on Friday 1 December. The exercise involved protecting the Finnish coast and maritime traffic by conducting naval operations in cooperation between the Finnish Army, Navy and Air Force, Allies and Partners.

Approximately 4000 people participated in the exercise. Conscripts who started their military service last January and July had an opportunity to test and demonstrate their skills in the exercise.  The more than 400 reservists who took part in the exercise had their skills improved in their emergency conditions tasks.

- We will continue active exercise activities with our Allies. The support provided by our Allies and Partners for the execution of the exercise has been high quality.  The concept of Exercise Freezing Winds supports the development of Finland’s maritime defence and the competence of our personnel excellently, acknowledges the commander of the exercise, Captain (N) Juhapekka Rautava.

In connection with the ending of the exercise, international and Finnish marching detachments will be on the move on the roads of Southwest Finland and Western Uusimaa from 31 November to 1 December. 

Moreover, in conjunction with the ending of the exercise, the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group One, SNMCMG1 (six vessels) will conduct a port visit in Hernesaari, Helsinki from 1 to 4 December and the British RFA Mounts Bay from 1 to 6 December.