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Open Ship event in Turku between 27.-28.10.

Publication date 17.10.2018 10.53
Press release

In connection to NOCO18, the international naval exercise led by the Finnish Navy, the public is welcome onboard the participating vessels.

The vessels will arrive in Turku on 26.10. and moor on both sides along the River Aura between the Port of Turku and the Martinsilta Bridge. The public is welcome onboard the vessels on Saturday 27.10. between 12-16 hours and on Sunday 28.10. between 12-16 hours. Canteen is open on both days between 12-16 hours on both sides of the river. The closest crossover is Föri the river ferry. The public is advised to use public transport. Parking space in the area is limited.

Please note that the public is NOT allowed to bring any bags or backpacks onboard the vessels. There will be a cloakroom in the area to leave the bags in.

During the event the area will be classified as temporary military area (including the water area) and no-fly zone. Using drones is also prohibited in the area.
